
What is the unsanctioned Crossed Wands Dueling Club?

Hogwarts Legacy is set to release in a few months and WB Games Avalanche is slowly revealing more and more information regarding the title. Apart from periodic posts on their official Twitter handle, they recently posted a gameplay showcase of nearly 50 minutes, featuring the character creation screen, a section of the Hogwarts castle, and the unsanctioned Dueling Club.

In Hogwarts Legacy, players will be donning robes as fifth-year students at the iconic school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They will be able to attend classes taken by different professors on various subjects as they sharpen their spell-casting and potion-making skills as they prepare for the forces that threaten the wizarding world.

Casting spells is an integral part of the wizarding experience and the Dueling Club marks the perfect space for players to practice their craft.

Exploring the Crossed Wands Dueling Club in Hogwarts Legacy

In a recent gameplay showcase for the wizarding world RPG, WB Games Avalanche revealed a look at very many things, including a short glimpse at the Crossed Wands Dueling Club that players can participate in. To do so, players will have to make their way to the iconic Clock Tower in the castle.

In the showcase, Chandler Wood, the community manager of Avalanche, notes that Crossed Wands is "the secret, not so secret, dueling club" put together by the students that professors definitely know about. In Hogwarts Legacy, the outfit is run by Lucan Brattleby, who is in a younger year than the protagonist.

Players will then have to interact with Lucan. The two options showcased in the recently revealed gameplay footage are:

"Hello, Lucan. May I use the training dummy?" "Hello, Lucan. Is the next round of Crossed Wands all set?"

With the training dummy, players will get the opportunity to get the hang of casting and combining spells. As the developers explained, there are basic attacks and specified spells with their own purposes that one can choose to cast, with the footage showcasing the use of Accio and Levioso.

Following that, the protagonist squared up against three other fellow students in a duel. Other than the two spells and basic attacks, we also got a look at the Protego charm, with the hue of the shields signifying what kind of spells will break them. Players can also throw objects like boxes against their opponents.

Dueling clubs are well-known among Potterheads, with famous instances being Gilderoy Lockhart and Severus Snape's duel, Harry Potter using Parseltongue during his duel with Malfoy, and Dumbledore later reinstating them in 1996 with the return of Lord Voldemort.

Potterheads will surely be eager to duel with their fellow classmates to practice their spell-casting and skills before encountering much more sinister foes out in the wild. Dark wizards are present and threaten the very peace of the world of Hogwarts Legacy.

On February 10, 2023, Hogwarts Legacy will be released on PC Windows, PlayStation 4 & 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S. The Nintendo Switch release date is yet to be announced.

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Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-06-07