
"Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night..."- How did the famous Joe Rogan Experience tagline come t

Any real fan of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast would be familiar with the opening sequence of the podcast that goes, "Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day." But do you ever wonder how the tagline came to be?

Fight fans will be delighted to learn that the famous tagline was spoken by UFC legend Nick Diaz following his unanimous decision win over former UFC lightweight champion B.J. Penn at UFC 137.

During his post-fight interview with Rogan, the former WEC welterweight champion said the words that would later be immortalized in podcasting history as the tagline of the highly popular JRE.

Watch Nick Diaz give a shout-out to the JRE podcast below:

Nick Diaz is one of the most popular figures in the promotion's history. The Stockton native is a former UFC welterweight title challenger and holds wins against legendary MMA figures like Frank Shamrock, Evangelista Santos, and Robbie Lawler, among others.

An interesting piece of JRE trivia is that another part of the podcast's intro sequence, which goes - "Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out!" was originally said by MMA fighter Rory MacDonald during his post-fight interview with Rogan at UFC 145.

Watch Rory MacDonald give a shout-out to JRE below:

When Joe Rogan spoke about Nick Diaz's JRE shout-out on his podcast

JRE episode #153 was one of the first times Nick Diaz's shout-out was included in the podcast's opening sequence. During the episode in 2011 that featured comedian Joey Diaz, Rogan stated that the best thing about the shout-out was the fact was it was far from perfect.

Rogan further claimed that the adrenaline-filled shout-out was the highlight of his month and said:

"That was the highlight of my month. You know, the perfect thing about it too is that it wasn't perfect. It didn't even make sense. It's train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast, by night, all day. It's perfect, Nick Diaz is awesome."

Watch the full JRE episode below:

According to a report by edison research, JRE is currently the most popular podcast in the world. The podcast reportedly rakes in upwards of 11 million listeners per episode.

The most viewed episode of the podcast, JRE 1169 featuring Elon Musk, has 65 million views on YouTube.

Watch the full episode below:

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Sherie Connelly

Update: 2024-06-05