
Rasheeda Frost Shares Footage From The Halloween Night At The Frost Bistro See Why Fans Are Upse

Rasheeda Frost shared a video from Halloween at the Frost Bistro. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account below.

Someone asked: ‘Why the people don’t have on masks? What happened to social distancing? Has CORONA gone away?’ and another follower said: ‘Only way they’ll probably stay in is if ATL goes back to phase 1! 🥴’

A person said: ‘I’ve seen posts like this all night thanks I’m good at the house,’ and another follower posted this: ‘we were outside you don’t need a mask to be OUTSIDE. They definitely took our temperature, and we have a mask. Good day, tho.’

A commenter said: ‘you can still have the virus with no symptoms. Black folks, our folks are the main ones dying from this virus. Good day back at ya. Hope y’all had a good time.’

One person posted this: ‘I was just about to ask that question. WHERE ARE YOUR MASKS? They wonder why there are 99 thousand new cases recorded,’ and more people seemed upset for the same reason in the comments.

Someone else said: ‘you do need a mask outside if you’re not 6 feet apart and there was clearly no social distancing at all.’

A follower posted this: ‘All I see is Rona spreading from watching this,’ and someone else said: ‘Cases just gone keep rising until we take this virus serious… I guess it has to hit home for most first.’

Another follower posted: ‘Not one person with a mask on. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m so over 2020 and 2021 can we just get to 2022 already 🤷🏽‍♀️that year has got to be better.’

Someone said: ‘And This is why corona ain’t going nowhere,’ and another follower posted this message: ‘And no mask. They should all stay on the other side of the gate. Some things shouldn’t even be posted to encourage the foolishness.’


In other news, Rasheeda Frost received an award recently, and she proudly shared the video on her social media account.


Sherie Connelly

Update: 2024-06-24