
Kim Kardashian Wants To Bring An End To The California Death Penalty Some People Say Shes Doi

Kim Kardashian seems busy these days with some really important issues. She recently posted on a live on IG what are some of her plans, and they’re pretty big.

She said that during the past year, she has been working hard to learn all she could about the criminal justice system.

She details that she visited prisons, met with formerly incarcerated people and also helped with a few cases.

Kim said she recently met with Governor Newsom and she respects the decision to help bring an end to the California Death Penalty. Check out her post below.

Some people respected what Kim does, and others just made fun of her and blasted Kanye West’s wife, saying that she is only doing this for fame.

Someone said ‘If Kim would’ve never done the video with ray j I believe she would’ve been a lawyer just like her pops 💯 it’s never too late to add that under her belt of accomplishments!’

Another follower posted ‘A good deed doesn’t need to acknowledge to the public unless they want to be included like..we get it the new season is coming. 🤷🏽‍♀️’

One other commenter wrote ‘So glad to hear her say this! Now if her family can only learn about cultural appropriation, we would be on a better road!’

Someone does not like the fact that Kim goes public with every good action: ‘she announces every good deed she does. She is not genuine at all. It’s rich people in their graves now that did good things we never knew about until now.’

A person believes something else: ‘If it were any other person y’all would be clapping BUT because it’s Kim y’all hands stuck together .. FOH 🙄🙄 #goodisgood if she’s using her platform for good commend her for it!’


What do you think about Kim’s latest plans?


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-06-20