How to use rebreathers in GTA Online in 2022
The Rebreather in GTA Online is a nifty little tool that allows players to stay submerged underwater or explore the ocean floor for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, due to an unusual bug that Rockstar has not fixed to date, players are unable to use them when needed.
Listed below are two distinct methods that players can follow to overcome this glitch. The methods have been updated as of August 2022 and have been tested to work for most players.
How to properly equip the Rebreather in GTA Online
GTA Online can often surprise its players with the amount of details that have been put into it, and the Rebreather is one of those things. This is a unique tool that can be bought from any Ammu-Nation store for $5,000. Each subsequent purchase is considered an air canister for the tool.
Players may spend an hour underwater with each canister, which is equivalent to one minute in real life. At any given moment, players can have up to 20 canisters with them. The Rebreather can simply be equipped by opening the Interaction Menu, moving to Style > Gear, and equipping it from there.
Although this is the intended method of using Rebreathers, it is bugged and may not work for most players.
Bug fix method with the Kosatka
Here's an alternate method to get the Rebreather that's a bit more complex and requires the Kosatka submarine:
- To begin with, players need to enter their Kosatka submarine and then register as a CEO or MC President.
- Next, they must start the Approach Vehicle Heist Prep mission for the Cayo Perico Heist and select the Kosatka option.
- Once the mission has progressed to the point where they're inside a Merryweather submarine, players can equip a Rebreather from inside the vehicle.
- They must acquire the Sonar device, equip the Rebreather, and exit the submarine.
- Now, players must change into a new GTA Online session, and stay in the water till the Rebreathers are completely depleted.
- Finally, they need to visit Ammu-Nation and buy some new Rebreathers. The bug will now be fixed.
Players should note that they shouldn't fill their Rebreather count to 20 after doing the 'fix,' and for backup, they should save an outfit with the Rebreather already equipped.
Bug fix with VIP Challenge
An easier fix that is also quite popular among GTA Online players requires a friend:
- Players must first register as a VIP or CEO, and invite their friend as an associate.
- Next, they must invite their friend as an associate, and start a VIP Challenge called "Salvage."
- When the mission begins, players must go to a jet ski and drive it in to the yellow mission marker.
- After the mission marker is reached, players are automatically equipped with a Rebreather. They must then save an outfit with the Rebreather equipped.
- Once the outfit is saved, players should use up a few of their Rebreathers by diving underwater.
Once these steps have been completed, GTA Online players will be able to buy more Rebreathers from Ammu-Nation and finally equip them as originally intended.
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